When 5536 was available, I used the Microsoft Download Manager & saved it to
my system with the intention of burning it to a DVD later in the week.
Problem is that I neglected to note where it saved itself on my system. Now
thanks to my general stupidity, I know that I have the copy downloaded - I
just don't have the foggiest clue where it is located or what file name to
look for.
That said, can anyone with more of a clue than I have point me in the right
direction? Desktop searches have yelded nada.
my system with the intention of burning it to a DVD later in the week.
Problem is that I neglected to note where it saved itself on my system. Now
thanks to my general stupidity, I know that I have the copy downloaded - I
just don't have the foggiest clue where it is located or what file name to
look for.
That said, can anyone with more of a clue than I have point me in the right
direction? Desktop searches have yelded nada.