Just wondwering is a difference between the "+=" operator between C
and C#?
I ask as I have reverse engineered some C code to C# and am receiving
some differing results. I have traced it down to a line involving a
"+=" operator. The C clode uses floats but I am using double, but this
should not make a difference right?
Just wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions or user
experiences that thay would like to share.
Just wondwering is a difference between the "+=" operator between C
and C#?
I ask as I have reverse engineered some C code to C# and am receiving
some differing results. I have traced it down to a line involving a
"+=" operator. The C clode uses floats but I am using double, but this
should not make a difference right?
Just wondering if anyone has any comments or suggestions or user
experiences that thay would like to share.