Operating system partions Help !!!!!



HI all
I have set up pc with multiple partitions, I have XP installed on a 3.5g
partition and a larger 25g data partition, I have installed some
software ms officexp etc and have redirected my documents folder to the
data partition.

However i am now running low on disk space on my OS partition i have
checked the amount of data and i cant see how it adds up to the 3.5g the
win dir accounts for about 1.2 the office installation about 700 but all
my data is on a different partition My intention is to keep the OS
system as clean as possible.

can someone give me some tips on how to accomplish this. my idea is to
be able to reinstall a os as easily as possible with out loosing
critical data files.

any help greatly appreciated


Richard E.

Yep... 3.5GB is a little tight I'm sure.

I made mine at home 10GB and I'm still not happy with that. I then rebuilt
my system at work and made C:\ 20GB. Much happier with that. However my
system at hovers around 5GB. I can live with that till next upgrade.

I think the WinXP box recommends 2GB. But that probably doesn't account for
room needed for system files, temp files, My Documents... on and on.

If your stuck and don't want to turn around. Try...

a) Move "My Documents" to the big drive.
b) Move email folders to the big drive.
c) Move Temp Internet files to the big drive.
d) Downsize your deleted files trash bin
e) downsize your system cache (sp) or move it to your big drive)
f) downsize the space used by System restore for drive C:
g) disable the thumbnail data base files "thumb.db" I think.

And there are more things you can probably do as well.
But if your just starting out with this drive configuration, please consider
a larger (80GB) drive before you get in to deep.

My opinion is that any drive that is 75% full is too full. Because defrag
will run much easier if you save it some headroom!

Best of luck!

Richard in Va.

Richard E.


Here are 2 large system files on C:

hyberfil.sys = Hibernation File - Might be around 500,000KB
pagefile.sys = Page/Virtual Memory File - Might be around 700,000KB

Even if you don't plan on using Hibernation on your system. WinXP still
maintains the file.
Find this area in your config setup and turn hibernation off AND Disable it
all together. I think there is a check box you will need to uncheck to get
this file to go away.

The "pagefile.sys" (system cache, (e) as I discussed below) file will only
show up when you set folders to show all hidden and system files.
You DON'T want to delete this file but you can, somewhere in system
performance, downsize it alittle if you want. THIS IS A CRITICAL SYSTEM
FILE, you might consider reading up before messing with it.

But anyway, just between these two files, your looking at ~ 1.5GB used up on

I went through all this sometime ago and don't remember all the facts... But
in general, I hope I'm offering some food for thought.

Best Of Luck

Richard in Va.

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

3.5 gig is way too small for Windows XP. Try 5 gig, 10 gig is even better!

Richard E.

For more info on these 2 files, please refer to an earlier post...
"Two Large Files" Posted by Larry H., 07/08/2003 10:19AM.

The discussion should still be on this newsgroup server.

Richard in Va.

Alex Nichol

Greg said:
However i am now running low on disk space on my OS partition i have
checked the amount of data and i cant see how it adds up to the 3.5g the
win dir accounts for about 1.2 the office installation about 700 but all
my data is on a different partition My intention is to keep the OS
system as clean as possible.

have Folder Options - View set to show Hidden files, and *not* Hide
Protected mode ones and recheck. There are a lot of hidden system files
- and the System Volume Information folder of restore points might be
400MB. Also the page file (pagefile.sys) and the hiberfil.sys used by
hibernation if that is turned on (turn off in Power Options - Hibernate
if you do not use the facility)

Alex Nichol

Crusty said:
3.5 gig is way too small for Windows XP. Try 5 gig, 10 gig is even better!

Its quite possible - with care. My laptop, with a rather small HD, ran
on only 2.5, though I have increased to 3.5. But you do need to be able
to see everything and keep it under control


Greg said:
I have set up pc with multiple partitions, I have XP installed on a 3.5g
partition and a larger 25g data partition, I have installed some

You made an initial mistake. XP should be on AT LEAST a 10 gig partitin
at MINIMUM even if you put EVERYTHING ELSE on other partition.


Not necessarily, I have XP installed with all the options on a 4.5 GB partition,
and I show 2.5 GB free (minus system restore). Pagefile and hibernate file is
also on the same partition.



| Greg wrote:
| >
| > I have set up pc with multiple partitions, I have XP installed on a 3.5g
| > partition and a larger 25g data partition, I have installed some
| You made an initial mistake. XP should be on AT LEAST a 10 gig partitin
| at MINIMUM even if you put EVERYTHING ELSE on other partition.
| --
| http://www.bootdisk.com/

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