Operating System HiJack?? Need help.




-Turn on computer, IE immediatly launches with 'about:blank' page.
-Try to open 'My Computer' 'My documents' - nothing happens. Desktop page
has a quick flicker but never launches.
-Try to click 'start' to open 'search', 'windows explorer' or' settings',
nothing happens. Does not launch.
-Doing the above sometimes results in a 'Dr. Watson debugging' error page.
This renders the operating system unusable. Screen freezes with exception of
mouse pointer.

-New items in IE 'favorites'. Specifically: "Seven days of free porn",
"Sites About", "Search the Web", "Only Sex Website".
-Icons on taskbar disappear

What I have done:
MS Beta version (recently uninstalled)
Spy Bot
Norton Anti virus

Not a computer expert. I live in NYC. Need help. Even if the advice is
take it to a repair shop.

Sony Vaio MXS20, 120 Gig, 1 gig Ram, XP SP2, P4, 2.0MHZ

Thank you,


Try running Adaware & Spybot in safemode. To access safemode you will need
to keep tapping the F8 during boot (before windows starts to load) a menu
will appear select the option for safemode.



What I have done:
MS Beta version (recently uninstalled)
Spy Bot
Norton Anti virus

Do all these same thing in safe mode and add "about buster" to the


Steve B.
I turned off system restore.
Ran MSconfig - turned off MS programs except anti virus programs
Went into safe mode
Ran adaware, microsoft anti spy, cw shredder, about buster, aol anti spyware
Ran "Regedit" and deleted about:blank

Question: Do I now restart and go to 'system restore'? Am I missing a
step? This virus is whooping my behind. I can't open My documents or My
computer. The my computer icon is gone from desktop. I get this "Dr. Watson
debugging" error page. Need help and more than willing to pay.



Start computer in safe mode, then go to start run, type in regedit, the
click on open, when regedit window opens, expand plus sign beside Hkey Local
Machine, down to software, microsoft, windows, current version, run, and
click on the run entry and see what programs are starting from the run
entries. Delete any entries there that you aren't familiar with. Then down
to run once and do the same deletion, then exit and try restarting the
If it will start in normal mode now, do a good Scan with SpyBot Search and
destroy 1.3 , delete any entries that it finds, and scan again. Then do a
Virus Scan with your Anti-Virus program. Now run hijackthis and delete any
entries that it says are BHO's or malware.
Try rebooting once more and see if it helped.

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