OpenReport + Current Record Only



Ive read like 20 other posts regarding this issue & tried all the code
variations provided in them although I cannot get the OpenReport
command to open the report with only the current record.
The following is the code that is always the "one that works" as ive
read in the other posts;

DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Name", acViewPreview, , "Report_ID_Field = ""
& Me.Form_ID_Field"""

For me it brings up a blank report each time.

This next variation prompts me for the 'Form Field' parameter

DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Name", acViewPreview, , "Report_ID_Field =

All the syntax for the field names is correct. Im using fields that
are PK values, ive tried switching the Form Field & Report field
around....Nothing at all seems to work.

please help, this is driving me nuts


On the second variation i noted, it asks me for the parameter of the
Form filed I am using.
Once entered it does bring up the report with only the 1 record. This
is the closest Ive been able to get.

Douglas J. Steele

DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Name", acViewPreview, , "Report_ID_Field = """ &
Me.Form_ID_Field & """"

That's 3 double quotes in front of & Me.Form_ID_Field, and 4 double quotes

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