
  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
  • Start date Start date


Hopefull this will solve it

I have had quite a bit of help from this newsgroup and
from that help, the following VBA quey was produced.

Public Sub Query_Value()

Dim str As String

str = "SELECT Sum([FAOstat].[" &
Form_ElementCalcualtion.Text1 & "]*0.01) AS ProJSupply
FROM (FAOstat INNER JOIN [Food Consumption] ON
FAOstat.Food_code = [Food Consumption].Food_code) INNER
JOIN [Country Total] ON ([Food Consumption].Country_Name
= [Country Total].Country) AND ([Food
Consumption].Food_code = [Country Total].Food_Code);"

MsgBox (str)

Set daoRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(str)

End Sub

But the result of the query is not produced (ideally in a
table!). Why is that?

Thanks in advance

Because you have built a SELECT query. If you want make a table, build a
MAKE TABLE query. Just two words to add, INTO, a key work, and the

str = "SELECT Sum([FAOstat].[" &
Form_ElementCalcualtion.Text1 & "]*0.01) AS ProJSupply INTO
FROM (FAOstat INNER JOIN [Food Consumption] ON
FAOstat.Food_code = [Food Consumption].Food_code) INNER
JOIN [Country Total] ON ([Food Consumption].Country_Name
= [Country Total].Country) AND ([Food
Consumption].Food_code = [Country Total].Food_Code);"

Since this is an ACTION query, we EXECUTE it, rather than opening it:

CurrentDb.Execute str, dbFailOnError

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP


Not only for the original code but for the correction

With kind regards,
-----Original Message-----

Because you have built a SELECT query. If you want make a table, build a
MAKE TABLE query. Just two words to add, INTO, a key work, and the

str = "SELECT Sum([FAOstat].[" &
Form_ElementCalcualtion.Text1 & "]*0.01) AS ProJSupply INTO
FROM (FAOstat INNER JOIN [Food Consumption] ON
FAOstat.Food_code = [Food Consumption].Food_code) INNER
JOIN [Country Total] ON ([Food Consumption].Country_Name
= [Country Total].Country) AND ([Food
Consumption].Food_code = [Country Total].Food_Code);"

Since this is an ACTION query, we EXECUTE it, rather than opening it:

CurrentDb.Execute str, dbFailOnError

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Mark said:
Hopefull this will solve it

I have had quite a bit of help from this newsgroup and
from that help, the following VBA quey was produced.

Public Sub Query_Value()

Dim str As String

str = "SELECT Sum([FAOstat].[" &
Form_ElementCalcualtion.Text1 & "]*0.01) AS ProJSupply
FROM (FAOstat INNER JOIN [Food Consumption] ON
FAOstat.Food_code = [Food Consumption].Food_code) INNER
JOIN [Country Total] ON ([Food Consumption].Country_Name
= [Country Total].Country) AND ([Food
Consumption].Food_code = [Country Total].Food_Code);"

MsgBox (str)

Set daoRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(str)

End Sub

But the result of the query is not produced (ideally in a
table!). Why is that?

Thanks in advance
