Ron Berns
I am using Access 2003.
I am fairly new at writing code.
I have a Table (InvHdr) that contains Invoice information. I have another Table
(InvDet) that contains the detail lines of each Invoice. They are associated by
Inv_Num field in each Table.
I open a table with
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from [InvHdr]")
I am able to work with each record in the InvHdr Table. Now while I have the
InvHdr table open I would like to open the InvDet Table and work with the detail
records of a certain invoice. Close the InvDet table and finish working with the
InvHdr table.
My question is, after I open the InvHdr table and set the INUM variable to
Inv_Num how do I open the InvDet table and process just the records where
Inv_Num = INUM? I think I have to use an SQL Select statement, but everything
I've tried does not work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You in advance.
Ron Berns
I am fairly new at writing code.
I have a Table (InvHdr) that contains Invoice information. I have another Table
(InvDet) that contains the detail lines of each Invoice. They are associated by
Inv_Num field in each Table.
I open a table with
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from [InvHdr]")
I am able to work with each record in the InvHdr Table. Now while I have the
InvHdr table open I would like to open the InvDet Table and work with the detail
records of a certain invoice. Close the InvDet table and finish working with the
InvHdr table.
My question is, after I open the InvHdr table and set the INUM variable to
Inv_Num how do I open the InvDet table and process just the records where
Inv_Num = INUM? I think I have to use an SQL Select statement, but everything
I've tried does not work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You in advance.
Ron Berns