Hi Don,
I am wanting to open this as an Excel spreadsheet so that
I can utilyze the data in my main spreadsheet. When you
open the URL in Explorer it shows a minimum of 3 quotes,
and if you add more, then it will show your entire list.
I used to just use the command in Excel 2000;
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
and it would open the URL in Excel with the multiple
quotes running down the page.
Now when I run the same command in Excel XP only one line
of information appears instead of multiple lines. I hope
that this makes sense.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want to read the data off a webpage,
you're going to have to use automation. This needs extra bits adding to
it to get it to compile, but you should get the important bits out of it
Sub GotoURL(sURL As String)
Dim bPresent As Boolean
Dim sTypeName As String
'GetObject ("",InternetExplorer.Application) will latch on to
'Turnpike is less functional than full IE
'GetObject ("",InternetExplorer) won't latch on to IE at all
'(known feature), so implement our own kind of version which
'does the same sort of thing
sTypeName = TypeName(oIE)
If sTypeName = "Nothing" Or sTypeName = "Object" Then
'Nothing means never initialised
'Object means a previous IE instance has been shut down
Set oIE = New InternetExplorer
'Instance already running
bPresent = True
End If
'All this seems to be necessary too, because it seems to be
'the only way to bring iconised windows back to life because
'there is no WindowState attribute
With oIE
If bPresent Then
If IsIconic(.hWnd) Then
ShowWindow .hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
ShowWindow .hWnd, SW_SHOW
ShowWindow .hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
End If
ShowWindow .hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE
End If
.Navigate sURL
End With
While oIE.Busy
MsgBox oIE.Document.body.innertext