Opening view "reposted"



Only reply received was helpful but not a cure. After much fingerpoking
local sheets now open correctly. However when I download and automatically
open a CSV file in Excel it still must be reopened with "view/new window"
before I can drag below last displayed line. It was not this way previous to
reinstall. I need this to select columb segments to copy to different

Origional post
Reloaded entire computer including Office 2007.
Now when I open any old spreadsheet It opens in a view which dosn't show
folders or L/R drag bar. Also not scrolling below bottom line. I must
select "new window" to get them back. Probably overthinking this but can't
find where or how make it open as before..
Thanks for help.


Hi again,

I can't duplicate your problem. All I need to do is maximize the window to
see the tabs, and scrollbars.

No need for New Window, which by the way does not open or reopen the file,
it just gives you a second window on the same file. Basically whatever you
do in one window is done in the other. If you save the file, it is only one
file regardless of which window you are in.

You can maximize a window by double-clicking its title bar or by hitting the
Maximize button in the top right corner.


I think I found the disparity and in a way we were both right. There are
two,yes two, icons for opening to a maximum window. One in the top right
corner of the screen which I was using and another about a inch or so below
it which works as you said.

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