Opening the next form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elaine
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Hi. Can someone help me with this? I start out with a
form that has a subform to dispay the table in data sheet
view. After choosing the record I want, I need to open
the next form which shows the record on a page. It also
has three other subforms that shows related records. What
I need to do is add a new record and fill it with the
data from the record I've chosen from the first form and
display it in the second page. I can create the new
record but it doesn't display in the second form. It
shows the original record I chose. When I go back to the
first form, the new record displays properly. Any ideas
how to do this.Thanks.
That's a good overview, but without details, it's unlikely anyone can be of
much help. Step back and try to look at the situation through the eyes of
someone who does not know what you have in your DB, what you have done, and
what isn't exactly working. Fill in those blanks and you have a far better
chance of someone being able to help you.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP