opening same form with a different record



Hi all,

I have a database being used as an information retrieval system. Users don't
add anything, just look up process, phone numbers etc.

On my primary form I have a field that if the information sheet (or record)
they are viewing has a link to another record then the name of this record
appears in the field (I enter this into the back ground table).
All the user has to do is click on this and that record opens up.
It is the same form, just new info on a relevent topic.
Think of this field as the title/clickable link to a "see also" page in a
manual. In this case the information (or record) is actually presented on the
same form.

eg. Form [Frm_MainData]
has a field called [Title] = Possum Guards
Then a field called [LinkedInfo] = Service Desk
When you click on [LinkedInfo] = Service Desk
Form [Frm_MainData] opens again
This time field called [Title] = Service Desk
(As Service desk handle possum Guard installation, these 2 records are

Any Idea's? I'm loosing hair, teeth and fingernails over this!!!!

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