1. Do you have Quadro Pro? If you do, save the file with the xls
2. If you do not have Quadro Pro, then have someone who does save the file
for you.
From Help in Excel 2000
How do I open files created in Quattro Pro?
Microsoft Excel 2000 can open Quattro Pro version 5.0 for Windows
(WB1), version 6.0 for Windows (WB2), and version 7.0 for Windows (WB3).
Install the Quattro Pro file converter If you didn't install the converter
for Quattro Pro files when you installed Excel, you must install it before
you can open or save files in that format.
To open a Quattro Pro file, do the following.
1. On the File menu, click Open.
2. In the Files of type list, click the version of the Quattro Pro file you
want to open.
3. In the Look in list, click the drive that contains the file you want, and
then locate and double-click the folder that contains the file.
4. Click the file you want, and then click the Open button.
Note that you can install a converter.
Wayne B