Opening on Network Drive

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I just split a DB so that users can have the frontend on their desktop. The
DB used to run on the server and Mail Merge documents were located on the
server as well.
I am keeping everything set up the same as before, (where everything worked
fine) except that the front end is now on the desktops.

I'm running the following code to open a Mail Merge Word document on the

Private Sub lblBB_Click()
Dim BBA As String
Dim objWord As Word.Application

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

BBA = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\Documents\Board Briefing\Board
Briefing Agenda.doc"

With objWord
.Visible = True
.Documents.Open (BBA)
End With
End Sub

This worked fine when everything was on the server. Now when on the desktop
I have changed the path to both "\\ServerName\\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc"
and "L:\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc" (L: being the network drive letter
where everything is stored). With both of these methods, the DB is looking
in "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Desktop\(path in code)" Its looking on my

How do I tell the DB to change network drives and not look on the C: drive?

Thanks a lot!
Matt said:
I just split a DB so that users can have the frontend on their desktop. The
DB used to run on the server and Mail Merge documents were located on the
server as well.
I am keeping everything set up the same as before, (where everything worked
fine) except that the front end is now on the desktops.

I'm running the following code to open a Mail Merge Word document on the

Private Sub lblBB_Click()
Dim BBA As String
Dim objWord As Word.Application

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

BBA = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\Documents\Board Briefing\Board
Briefing Agenda.doc"

With objWord
.Visible = True
.Documents.Open (BBA)
End With
End Sub

This worked fine when everything was on the server. Now when on the desktop
I have changed the path to both "\\ServerName\\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc"
and "L:\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc" (L: being the network drive letter
where everything is stored). With both of these methods, the DB is looking
in "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Desktop\(path in code)" Its looking on my

How do I tell the DB to change network drives and not look on the C: drive?

Thanks a lot!

You're changing the entire line, including removal of the part that
references the Application Current Path right?
BBA = "\\ServerName\\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc"
BBA = "L:\Path\Board Briefing Agenda.doc"

I didn't realize I had to remove "Application.CurrentProject.Path " for it
to work.

