Opening of vista word

  • Thread starter Thread starter RBMA
  • Start date Start date


I am looking for some assistance.

I am new user of Vista home when I attach a word document most people tell
me they cannot open the attachment is there anything I can do to make it
possible to be opened by word 2003.

You're probably using Word 2007, which saves files as .docx by default.
(Vista has nothing to do with it). You need to click the Office button,
choose Save As, the choose Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc) from the Save As
Type drop-down list.

You can make that format the default for saving all documents by clickint
the Office button, the Word Options. In the Word Options dialog box click
Save in the left column, choose "Word 97-2003 (*.doc)" from the "Save files
in this format" drop-down and click OK. Then all your subsequent saves will
be standard .doc files ala Word 97 - Word 2003.