Opening New record in Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neil M
  • Start date Start date

Neil M

I need to open up a form and start with a new record
This is my code;

DoCmd.OpenForm "MainDetails", acNormal

I know how to link queries to them but how do I make the query or code so
that it opens automatically with the next new record..



DoCmd.OpenForm "MainDetails", acNormal, , , acFormAdd

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia
Graham's approach will work. You will need to know, however, that when you
specify acFormAdd as your data mode, you will only be able to add new
records. You cannot edit existing records in that mode.
thanks., i appear to have that part working now.
and it just so happens I have set up another 'visually user friendly' form
that allows the inputter to enter the table from this datasheet by clickin
on the line (it grabs the issue number and sends it to another form), then
updates and changes the datahseet ap[propriately. this is working well.
just the combobox ADD problem left to do and I'm done.

I appreciate all the help you guys (and girls?) have given me working on
this database thus far.
I hope one day I will be able to help others just like you have helped me.