Opening IE



Sorry I've not looked to see if this has been addressed recently.
Taken all night to download a thousand messages :(
My problem is when I open new instances of IE, I want them full size
and on top of whatever I've got up. I can't find anywhere where you
can do this. I have IE6 of course, and Win XP home. I have a new
internet USB keyboard and want to be able to open new instances with
the "home" key. At the moment, they always open at half screen, and
randomly on top or under whatever.
I daresay it will be a Doh! answer but I'd really appreciate some help


ps This new keyboard has a wobbly after an hour or so's use, where
the arrow keys turn into Page up/down/Home/ End. The "i" key does
nothing, the "u" key backspaces and a few other oddities that seem
constant every time it happens. I just reboot and all's well again for
a short while. Anyone by any chance heard of this before? I've
reinstalled everything I can think of and even changed USB ports.
TIA for any help

Mike Burgess

Reset Browser Window Size:

Close all instances of Internet Explorer except for one.
Right-click on a link in the page and select: "Open in New Window"
Close the first browser window using the [ X ] (upper right corner)
Resize the second browser window manually by dragging the sides to the
desired size.
Note: Do NOT click the Maximize button, you *must* do it manually.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Close button (upper right)
Visit another web site, open a link in a new "window", it should now be the
desired size.
Note: some pop-up browser windows will alter this process if that is the
last one closed.
If that occurs again, you now can resolve this problem.

In some cases the "Remember last window size" info becomes corrupted in the

[more info]
Download: ResetWindowPlacement.reg (if needed)
Try a different keyboard ......
Uncheck all Startup apps in Msconfig, then add them back one at a time until
you find the culprit. Some apps just don't play well together.
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 03-02-04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid


Thanks so much, Mike. Just curious, but does this size information
occur anywhere within IE? If so I wonder how you are meant to find it.
I reckon I tried everything.

The size problem has been solved, thanks, but is there any way I can
get the new instance of IE to open on top of what I have on the
Sometimes (rarely) this happens on its own, but mostly they open under
what's on the screen. Seems rather silly coz if you open a new
instance, the assumption should be that you want to use it.

On the keyboard problem, the shop I bought it from want to "test" it
before they swap it for a similar board. My previous PS/2 board works
fine, but I've given that to my wife and she's put Thai language
stickers on it. Both boards are mini boards coz we are short of space.
I will try those startup programs, thanks.

Rgds.... Mooosh:)


Hi Mike and others

I said the size problem was fixed, but on investigation, all this
solution is doing is making the "restore down" size large and when I
want it smaller than full size, I must reduce it manually instead of
clicking on the "restore down". What I require is for IE6 to open in
the "maximum" window, and if I need to reduce that to say half size, I
press the "restore down" button. I'm sure I've had this setup before.

Many thanks.... Mooosh:)

Thanks so much, Mike. Just curious, but does this size information
occur anywhere within IE? If so I wonder how you are meant to find it.
I reckon I tried everything.

The size problem has been solved, thanks, but is there any way I can
get the new instance of IE to open on top of what I have on the
Sometimes (rarely) this happens on its own, but mostly they open under
what's on the screen. Seems rather silly coz if you open a new
instance, the assumption should be that you want to use it.

On the keyboard problem, the shop I bought it from want to "test" it
before they swap it for a similar board. My previous PS/2 board works
fine, but I've given that to my wife and she's put Thai language
stickers on it. Both boards are mini boards coz we are short of space.
I will try those startup programs, thanks.

Rgds.... Mooosh:)

Reset Browser Window Size:

Close all instances of Internet Explorer except for one.
Right-click on a link in the page and select: "Open in New Window"
Close the first browser window using the [ X ] (upper right corner)
Resize the second browser window manually by dragging the sides to the
desired size.
Note: Do NOT click the Maximize button, you *must* do it manually.
Hold down the Ctrl key and click the Close button (upper right)
Visit another web site, open a link in a new "window", it should now be the
desired size.
Note: some pop-up browser windows will alter this process if that is the
last one closed.
If that occurs again, you now can resolve this problem.

In some cases the "Remember last window size" info becomes corrupted in the

[more info]
Download: ResetWindowPlacement.reg (if needed)
Try a different keyboard ......
Uncheck all Startup apps in Msconfig, then add them back one at a time until
you find the culprit. Some apps just don't play well together.
Mike Burgess [MVP Windows Shell\User]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 03-02-04]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

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