opening hyperlinks

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All of a sudden I am unable to open hyperlinks in email I receive. I use Outlook for email. The help section told me to hold shift and click on the hyperlink and choose a browser. That worked once. Now, nothing happens.
When you click a hyperlink in an e-mail message or on a Web page, or
right-click a hyperlink on a Web page and then click Open in New Window, you
may experience one or more of the following symptoms:
Nothing happens.
The new window may be blank.
You may receive a scripting error message.
When you use the Print command or the Print Preview command in Internet
Explorer, nothing may happen.

When you try to connect to Web folders, you may receive the following error

The current operation could not be completed because an unexpected error has
This behavior may occur for any of the following reasons:
The (Default) value setting in one or more of the following registry keys
points to an incorrect location for the Urlmon.dll file:



This may occur if you install a customized version of Internet Explorer that
was created with the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) version
5.01 Service Pack 1 (SP1), 5.5 SP1, or 6.0.
The following registry key is missing or damaged:

One or more of the following files is missing, damaged, or improperly
To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:
Quit all programs that are running.
Click Start, and then click Run.
Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded" message,
click OK.
If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2 through 4 for each of
the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with each of the file
names below):
Shell32.dll (Windows XP and Windows 2000 only)
If the problem is still not resolved, verify that the following registry
values are present and correct:
Name: (Default)
Value: IDispatch
Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

If the problem is still not resolved, reinstall Internet Explorer. If you
are using the version of Internet Explorer that is included with your
operating system, reinstall or repair your operating system.
I tried all of Marvin's techniques, and my e-mail program still won't open hyperlinks. When I try to do the command regsvr shell32.dll, it says the shell32.dll is corrupt. What can I do about this?
Thank you, Marvin. I followed all your steps and still no luck. Is there anything else you can think of?
Your file association for URL: Open has been munged up; probably by a browser hijacker.
I'm looking for instructions for you.

Peg said:
All of a sudden I am unable to open hyperlinks in email I receive. I use Outlook for
email. The help section told me to hold shift and click on the hyperlink and choose a
browser. That worked once. Now, nothing happens.
To repair your URL file association (from Doug Knox)


Use your mouse to copy the line above. Then click Start, Run and enter CMD. A Command
Prompt window will open. Right click in this window and select Paste. Then press Enter.

Peg said:
All of a sudden I am unable to open hyperlinks in email I receive. I use Outlook for
email. The help section told me to hold shift and click on the hyperlink and choose a
browser. That worked once. Now, nothing happens.
Thank you, Doug. I followed your directions. There is still one site where I can't access hyperlinks. Could it be a bug in their emails? The site is I've always been able to enter from their hyperlinks. But this has all changed since I moved here and set up my computer again.
Hi MJ, I was mistaken in my last reply. There are several emails with hyperlinks that I can't access, not just ones from I can't access from a Symantec site either

I don't know if you have any other advice for me

Thanks a lot
