This may seem like the simplest of problems to people on here, or thats what
I am hoping anyway.
I have just bought a new PC and the one we are transferring data from (via
an external harddrive) was ancient, although it ran on XP we had updated to
Office2007. The new PC came with Office2000 so I updated it to 2007.
Now here is my problem, I can go through Excel and open the documents that
way, but when I go to the Shortcuts, or through the files it will not open.
The file extensions when looking at the properties are XLXS but there is no
such extenstion when I look on the old PC.
Is there any way I can get these to open from the files or shortcuts rather
than opening from Excel directly?
Unfortunately as much as I am a fast user myself, some of the users of the
PC are 'two finger typists' and scream anytime the machine doesnt do as
asked, rather than try to figure it out. (Also they are not adverse to
stripping all the programs off and reloading all the discs for the simplest
of problems! Thus the issues with the old PC)
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thank You
This may seem like the simplest of problems to people on here, or thats what
I am hoping anyway.
I have just bought a new PC and the one we are transferring data from (via
an external harddrive) was ancient, although it ran on XP we had updated to
Office2007. The new PC came with Office2000 so I updated it to 2007.
Now here is my problem, I can go through Excel and open the documents that
way, but when I go to the Shortcuts, or through the files it will not open.
The file extensions when looking at the properties are XLXS but there is no
such extenstion when I look on the old PC.
Is there any way I can get these to open from the files or shortcuts rather
than opening from Excel directly?
Unfortunately as much as I am a fast user myself, some of the users of the
PC are 'two finger typists' and scream anytime the machine doesnt do as
asked, rather than try to figure it out. (Also they are not adverse to
stripping all the programs off and reloading all the discs for the simplest
of problems! Thus the issues with the old PC)
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thank You