Opening excel spreadsheets via excel.application object w/o prompts


Andy S.

I'm trying to programatically open and read worksheets in a spreadsheet.
The problem is I get an interactive prompt that says "The workbook you
opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you
want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbooks? To
update all linked information, click Yes. To keep the existing information,
click No.". This prevents my ActiveX script from finishing because it
requires interactive feedback from the user. Is there anyway to just make
excel go with the defaults?

I've been experimenting with the interactive and display alerts properties
shown in the link below to no avail. Any ideas?


Andy S.
(e-mail address removed)

Please remove "noreply" before replying.



Without any code posted I can't comment specifically but there is an argument
of the open method which specifies what you want to do with the links. Off
the top of my head I believe it is UpdateLinks:= True (or false).

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