Frank Haber
This is moderately embarrassing, since I'm fairly expert with computers, but a
near-newbie on PP. I'm getting a stack of old HDs in from a charity, and have
volunteered to retrieve some old Powerpoint presentations from them before I
sanitize or drive a spike through the disks, for disposal.
My questions:
o Most of the old computers were Win95, and hadn't been booted for years.
What version of PP was current in 1996? Was the extension .ppt?
o I have Office 2000, 2003 and 2007 here. Which one would you recommend to
browse old PP files?
o What were the common file formats for embedded graphics in PP in 1996?
Might I encounter both embedded and linked graphics? Can I export embedded
slides entire (for display in anyone's thumbnail/slideshow program), and/or
the pix within them in my modern version? Most stuff was 16-bit in those
days, yes?
o A couple of presentations may in turn have imports from Harvard Graphics or
other antediluvian programs. Am I likely to find cranky old graphics formats
in these, like cgm?
near-newbie on PP. I'm getting a stack of old HDs in from a charity, and have
volunteered to retrieve some old Powerpoint presentations from them before I
sanitize or drive a spike through the disks, for disposal.
My questions:
o Most of the old computers were Win95, and hadn't been booted for years.
What version of PP was current in 1996? Was the extension .ppt?
o I have Office 2000, 2003 and 2007 here. Which one would you recommend to
browse old PP files?
o What were the common file formats for embedded graphics in PP in 1996?
Might I encounter both embedded and linked graphics? Can I export embedded
slides entire (for display in anyone's thumbnail/slideshow program), and/or
the pix within them in my modern version? Most stuff was 16-bit in those
days, yes?
o A couple of presentations may in turn have imports from Harvard Graphics or
other antediluvian programs. Am I likely to find cranky old graphics formats
in these, like cgm?