Opening Closing and updating subform or form

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Evans
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John Evans

I have a problem which I've asked many people for help.
Still can't get this to work.Your help would be much
I have a parent form and another form (can be subform)
with a one(parent)-to-many relationship + ref integrity
and cascade update. My parent form needs to be displayed
on one screen but the screen has a lot of entry controls
so - there is not enough room for the subform. I would
like to call the form/subform for data entry then hide it
(can't close it if it is a form as parent form is not yet
saved). If I make it a subform and try to use a macro from
a tick box on main form to set the subform 'visible'
property to True and then have a similar control on the
subform to hide the subform - I get the message that the
subform is not an OLE object so it won't work. Surely this
is not an uncommon situation? Maybe I'm just thick but I
have tried so many ways of doing this (don't know VB code)
and keep failing. Closest I have got is 2 related forms
making child form default ID same as Parent form ID. Both
forms have PK and ID format is same.Doesn't update for
next form.
Thanks for any help - hope I explained this enough.
Thanks Adrian

My knowledge of Access is a bit piecemeal as I've never
done a course and am not in the industry. If you have any
suggestions as to a good book or software teaching package
that includes writing code I'd be grateful. I've not tried
your solution yet - will do tonight, but as I didn't know
about tabs on forms (not explained in my current access
book - as far as I can see it is only mentioned in the
glossary)- youv'e taught me a valuable lesson.

Best Wishes

John Evans
ICU The Townsville Hospital
I am just picking it up as I go along too, although I might be a bit ahead,
having started with a very complex development last year.

I read a few books, but found they are nowhere detailed enough. Best is to
experiment - drag every control onto a form from the toolbar - figure out
what it does - read the help file - especially the Access97 help, that is
really good.

The best source is to read every post on this and the other access
newsgroups and do lots of google searches on the groups when you know
roughly what you want. If you just read every post by the MVP's, that would
be a great start.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
Thankyou again for your help - I've started going back
through the newsgroup - very useful.


John Evans
ICU Townsville