Opening a worksheet with a button?

  • Thread starter Thread starter joe
  • Start date Start date


Hi Everybody:

I have 2 worksheets in a workbook. One acts like a main
menu and the other is like the data table. I created a
button in the main menu...but i'm stuck. My question is
how do I code the command button to open up that other
worksheet(data table)?

in design mode, double click on the button to get to the click event in the
code module of the sheet where the button is located. Or in any mode, right
click on the sheet tab and select view code, then( at the top of the
module) in the left dropdown select CommandButton1 and in the right select

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click( )

End Sub

should be entered in the module. Put in code something like this untested
pseudo code.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim wkbk as workbook
On Error Resume Next
set wkbk = Workbooks("Data Table.xls")
On Error goto 0
if wkbk is nothing then
Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Data Table.xls"
End if
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy