How do I access a query in my code? I've tried this:
Dim record as adodb.recordset
set record=new adodb.recordset
record.open contactquery, currentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
adLockPessimistic, adcmdquery
It lets me access the query, or should I say it let's me access the table
the query is based on, but it doesn't show the effects of the query. This is
so frustrating. My query has filtered and sorted the table, but none of that
shows up in my code when I access the recordsets.
How do I do what I'm trying to do if I going about this wrong?
Many thanks,
charlie (CK)
Dim record as adodb.recordset
set record=new adodb.recordset
record.open contactquery, currentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
adLockPessimistic, adcmdquery
It lets me access the query, or should I say it let's me access the table
the query is based on, but it doesn't show the effects of the query. This is
so frustrating. My query has filtered and sorted the table, but none of that
shows up in my code when I access the recordsets.
How do I do what I'm trying to do if I going about this wrong?
Many thanks,
charlie (CK)