Opening a project in MM takes too long - 10 to 15 minutes to load. It used to take 1 to 3 minutes be

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Hissen
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Joe Hissen

I know that this is not the forum for my question, but can any one please
direct where to look for a solution. The above subject is the only problem.

If/when I have the patience to wait, MM works fine. I think the
problem is with a setting (Windows maybe? - OS is XP Pro) that I
have been able to locate.
Sorry for the false alarm. It is my mistake. I did a NO-NO.

I changed the location of the MSWMM file from one folder to another
thus screwing up all the linkages, a No-No in relational databases.

Now to figure out how to re-establish the linkage without having
to redo the project.

Sorry again.
double click one of the red-X's and point Movie Maker to the location of the
file... if they are all in one folder, just one pointer is needed
Thank you PapaJohn. It is really an honor to be responded to by a skilled
heavyweight such as yourself. Not that you don't also respond to others,
but I am still awed.

I am a newbie to WMM, and 10 days ago I did not even know I had MM
in my computer.

Q: where are the red-X's you mention? I could not find any in the Storyboard
nor in the Timeline.
Not locating red-X's makes me reconsider my mistake; maybe the linkage
is ok and that is why I do not see any red-X's. Maybe my problems is
huge collections that have slowed down MM.

Thank you again.
Thanks Joe,

Before Movie Maker I was into relational databases so I understand what
you're saying....

The importing of video, music, pictures, etc. into Movie Maker is a
mis-nomer, as it's a linkage rather than a copying. The project file
contains the links to the source files and renaming or moving files that
break the linkage results in big red X's being shown in the collection or
project file instead of the thumbnails for the clips.

I used to run with large collections... when I got to over 11,000 clips in
them, and it was taking Movie Maker minutes to open, as it had to verify
each one as it did, I changed my habits.

Another feature is the auto-recover one, with a setting of 10 minutes....
Movie Maker will stop what's it's doing and update the info for the source
files in the collections and the open project.... without telling you what's
it doing. The setting is in Tools > Options. I run with it unchecked and
assume responsibility for backing files up.