Vylent Fyre
I have scoured through here for days and all weekened I poured through
newsletters and forums hoping to find something that would work for what I am
trying to accomplish... If I missed it through here, please forgive my
duplicate entry....
I have one Database, Main Database - 1.0.2.mdb, that is current and "live".
I have an Archives Database - 2007.mdb that, obviously, has all my old
information in it. Keep in mind that they both have security in place and I
have the mdw files and the links to open the security files and the database
set up and everything. In other words, when I click on the links it opens up
the database and prompts you for the username and password. That's never
been an issue.
My issue is this - I cannot get this button on this form to call the
Archives Database through using the security file. I don't want it to close
the current one just yet. I may add that later, but I know how to do the
Here's my current code...
Private Sub btn_Archives_Database_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btn_Archives_Database_Click
Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btn_Archives_Database_Click
End Sub
I've tried adding the "S:\Accounting\Houston Accounting
Database\Archives\Archive Database - S Drive" link but it won't work....
The above will obviously only call the msaccess from your local computer...
The drive name is \dc1-hou-tx-511\ - If I could get this instead of having
to have buttons for each drive letter, that would be awesome too....
I'm sure there's a very easy code to do this and I'm just not seeing it...
I'm sorry for bothering anyone and I definitely will appreciate any
Thank you!
Vylent Fyre
newsletters and forums hoping to find something that would work for what I am
trying to accomplish... If I missed it through here, please forgive my
duplicate entry....
I have one Database, Main Database - 1.0.2.mdb, that is current and "live".
I have an Archives Database - 2007.mdb that, obviously, has all my old
information in it. Keep in mind that they both have security in place and I
have the mdw files and the links to open the security files and the database
set up and everything. In other words, when I click on the links it opens up
the database and prompts you for the username and password. That's never
been an issue.
My issue is this - I cannot get this button on this form to call the
Archives Database through using the security file. I don't want it to close
the current one just yet. I may add that later, but I know how to do the
Here's my current code...
Private Sub btn_Archives_Database_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btn_Archives_Database_Click
Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btn_Archives_Database_Click
End Sub
I've tried adding the "S:\Accounting\Houston Accounting
Database\Archives\Archive Database - S Drive" link but it won't work....
The above will obviously only call the msaccess from your local computer...
The drive name is \dc1-hou-tx-511\ - If I could get this instead of having
to have buttons for each drive letter, that would be awesome too....
I'm sure there's a very easy code to do this and I'm just not seeing it...
I'm sorry for bothering anyone and I definitely will appreciate any

Thank you!
Vylent Fyre