Can someone give me a bref explanation of how openargs
works and possible uses?
works and possible uses?
dave said:Can someone give me a bref explanation of how openargs
works and possible uses?
Dave said:what I would like to be able to do... I want to be able
to dblclick on a field on a main form to open a dialog,
make a selection on the dialog form and pass the value
back to the field I double clicked from on the main form
(which will always be only one field but the name will
vary depending on the main form I open the dialog from).
At the moment I have (on the dialog) Forms![frmStockItem]!
[txtStockCode]=me.txtStkCode It would be great to be
able to pass the Forms![frmStockItem]![txtStockCode] in
an open args statement so I could use multiple main forms
with different field names to pass the value back to. At
the moment I need multiple dialog forms which are all
exactly the same but have slightly different code behind
them to pass the value back to different main forms.