There is something I don't understand, when I create a WSH script with
the two lines below :
Set objwrd = WScript.Createobject ("Word.Application")
objWrd.Visible = true
and that I execute it, Word is opened.
But if I try to do the same thing in Outlook2002, in a form with a
button using the code below :
Sub cmdGo_Click()
MsgBox "Button clicked"
Set objwrd = WScript.Createobject ("Word.Application")
objWrd.Visible = true
End Sub
The message box is displaid but not the Microsoft Word.
So what must I do to open Word ?
(I use Outlook2000, Word2000 and WindowsNT2000)
There is something I don't understand, when I create a WSH script with
the two lines below :
Set objwrd = WScript.Createobject ("Word.Application")
objWrd.Visible = true
and that I execute it, Word is opened.
But if I try to do the same thing in Outlook2002, in a form with a
button using the code below :
Sub cmdGo_Click()
MsgBox "Button clicked"
Set objwrd = WScript.Createobject ("Word.Application")
objWrd.Visible = true
End Sub
The message box is displaid but not the Microsoft Word.
So what must I do to open Word ?
(I use Outlook2000, Word2000 and WindowsNT2000)