Open With..



When trying to open a vb source code file (example.vb)
with notepad instead of Visual Studio, I right click on
the file and select "Open With..." and then AntiSpyware
blocks the opening of the file. If I click allow Visual
Studio will open the file, which is exactly what I didn't
want to do. Hopefully this will help.


George Ellis

More to add. This is a bug.

I have Open With... context behavior for VBS files using Notetab Pro. The
first time I try to open a VBS file using the context menu from Explorer, I
get the same thing as Craig, a popup with Run or Block. If I run, it will
actually launch the VBS file with the default action, which is handle it
through WScript. WRONG! If I context click again, it will pass the file to
Notetab (my selected application).

What really makes this annoying is that there is no 'Cancel' action button
on the popup. I have to open task manager and find the popup in the process
list to kill it (as I do not want to run system scripts that I develop and
do not want to block them either). Note to those wondering how I find the
task, Click CPU in the Process list twice. This now sorts Processes by CPU
usage from highest to lowest. Now click and hold the title bar of the
popup. Shake it. It will move towards the top of the list. It starts with
g* something.

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