I know this is not a new question, but I've been unable to find the
answer to my very specific request, as follows:
When I right click on the Start menu, select Explore and left click, I
would like Windows Explorer to open to a folder of my choosing. Every
one of the many solutions I've found on the Web either:
1) have you create a shortcut and click on it, or
2) have you modify the properties of the
Start/Programs/Accessories/Windows Explorer shortcut which already exists.
Either one of those I can do. That's not what I want. What I want to do
is right-click on Start, select Explore, left click and Windows Explorer
opens to a folder of my choosing.
If this is not possible, please let me know so that I'll stop looking.
Thanks in advance,
answer to my very specific request, as follows:
When I right click on the Start menu, select Explore and left click, I
would like Windows Explorer to open to a folder of my choosing. Every
one of the many solutions I've found on the Web either:
1) have you create a shortcut and click on it, or
2) have you modify the properties of the
Start/Programs/Accessories/Windows Explorer shortcut which already exists.
Either one of those I can do. That's not what I want. What I want to do
is right-click on Start, select Explore, left click and Windows Explorer
opens to a folder of my choosing.
If this is not possible, please let me know so that I'll stop looking.

Thanks in advance,