Do you mean with a button in the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar)? If so, right
click the blank space at end of QAT -> Customize Quick Access Toolbar -> In
the Choose commands from select All commands. Find Visual Basic and Add it.
apologies if i was not clear....i am trying to assist colleagues in writing
simple code. From a Userform i have done i want to include a button that when
clicked will take the user straight to 'view code' so they can input examples
of code i have prepared for them....trying to get more people to see how
useful vba can be!!!!!!
Another way - in the Name box left of the input bar, simply enter the name
of a procedure that exists in any normal module. It doesn't need to be in
the same project as the activeworkbook, could even be the name of a
procedure in an addin.
Just noticed you want to do this from a button on a userform. Go with Chip
Pearson's suggestion. There might be an issue with other users if access to
vbProject is not trusted to call a specific codemodule. As an alternative
might be able to do could do
Application.Goto "myProcName"