Can anyone recommend a good open source AV system for scanning
incoming mail on a unix/linux platform?
incoming mail on a unix/linux platform?
Can anyone recommend a good open source AV system for scanning
incoming mail on a unix/linux platform?
THere's Clam Antivirus and Bitdefender do a free linux version.JOSH said:Can anyone recommend a good open source AV system for scanning
incoming mail on a unix/linux platform?
Fidel said:ClamAV is an excellent "free" open source AV system for unix/linux and will
even run on windows. http://www.clamav.net
ClamAV is an excellent "free" open source AV system for unix/linux and will
even run on windows. http://www.clamav.net
ClamAV is an excellent "free" open source AV system for unix/linux and will
even run on windows. http://www.clamav.net
At which independent antivirus testing agencies has Clam been tested
and where are the results published?
Could you please define "excellent"?
I'm using ClamAV. Let's see... low system impact, works and plays well with
sendmail (and other MTAs), frequent definition updates (often more than
once/day), open source, free, several people making easily installable
binaries, excellent support via mailing list.
Of course, excellence is in the eye of the beholder. What are you looking for
in a linux AV?
Hmm... How about reliable detection of viruses... ClamAV doesn't come
close to F-Prot, Kaspersky or Sophos in terms of detection.
Generally, ClamAV doesn't detect lab-only viruses.
However, users are being infested with "lab-only" malicious code
every day![]()
What's the name of one (of which you have direct and personal knowledge) that
is not detected by ClamAV?
By the way, looked at your web page. Cool car! If only you'd known, at 16,
to hang on to it. <smile>
Generally, ClamAV doesn't detect lab-only viruses. As of this moment, it
detects about 23,000 malware signatures. Symantec claims about 67,000 malware
signatures. If you have a question about the detection of a real-world
sample, you can submit it to http://www.gietl.com/test-clamav/
It's identified mail worms before Symantec has.
The question is why does one
use an AV on Linux. I use it to scan mail on the way in to my mail server and
to scan directories shared via samba to Windows users. It operates as a
second opinion for the AV software that's (one hopes) already on those
FWIW, both Sourceforge and CompuServe use ClamAV to scan email. See