Open / Operating Serial Communication Port

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Zhu
  • Start date Start date

Ben Zhu

I have a small project, which need use both RS232 port and
excel for data plot. I considering use excel VB macro for
the entire project.

Although I used serial port extensively in MFC, I am not
sure how to open serial port from VB. Can anyone give me
a little light?

Really appreciated,

Ben Zhu

Actually, this sounds like an Excel VBA question, not VB .NET? In either
case, you can download NETComm.ocx from my homepage. It works fine in
Excel, even though I designed it as an easy way to do serial IO in .NET.


Richard Grier (Microsoft Visual Basic MVP)

See for contact information.

Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 3rd
Edition ISBN 1-890422-27-4 (391 pages) published February 2002.
VBA in Excel does not support serial communications without either
writing some very complex code that calls Windows API functions
directly or using a serial communications tool provided by a third
party vendor.
If you have VB6, you can use the MSComm32.OCX ActiveX control however
it is not very easy to use in Excel.
You may want to look at a product called WinWedge at
WinWedge is designed to make it extremely easy to send and receive
serial data directly from within other programs like Excel, Access or
just about any other Windows program. WinWedge can save you countless
hours of serial I/O coding and it works great with Excel.