Didn't mean to snap off heads. It's just that it pushed a hot button
for me. Tech-heads get a rep for suggesting solutions that don't solve
anything, I know, I do helpdesk with a bunch of them. I guess I had
had-it-up-to-here with that the day I wrote this.
More to the point. I did a little digging into this on OOForum and
discovered that this is not a bug so much as MS technology that can't be
translated: 1: MSoffice uses proprietary security for document passwords
and encryption. 2: Federal law makes it a crime to reverse- engineer
encryption schemes (I did not know that!). Result - OpenOffice.org
developers are prevented from reverse- engineering Microsoft's password
protection, based on that law. Conclusion - OpenOffice.org users must
resort to either the Microsoft Word Viewer, or having the sender remove
all password protection from the document.
I don't know if you'd call this a "bug" or not, but it is one that isn't
going to be fixed any time soon.
John Hood E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Website: John's Best of Free Software: