In IE7, there was an option to open new tabs directly to the right of
the parent tab. for example:
Tab A, Tab B, Tab C, and Tab D are open. I am "in" Tab B. I open Tab
B2, and Tab B3. Now the "bar" that shows open Tabs shows as:
Tab A, Tab B, Tab B2, Tab B3, Tab C, and Tab D.
That result is what I desire.
Now in IE8, the same activity (opening new tabs) shows on the "bar"
Tab A, Tab B, Tab C, Tab D, Tab B2, and Tab B3.
This to me is not acceptable. I cannot find the option in IE8 to
select the for first example. That was an option in IE7.
Thank you for any assistance.
the parent tab. for example:
Tab A, Tab B, Tab C, and Tab D are open. I am "in" Tab B. I open Tab
B2, and Tab B3. Now the "bar" that shows open Tabs shows as:
Tab A, Tab B, Tab B2, Tab B3, Tab C, and Tab D.
That result is what I desire.
Now in IE8, the same activity (opening new tabs) shows on the "bar"
Tab A, Tab B, Tab C, Tab D, Tab B2, and Tab B3.
This to me is not acceptable. I cannot find the option in IE8 to
select the for first example. That was an option in IE7.
Thank you for any assistance.