Open my files I created in Microsoft Front Page

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I use Microsoft Frontpage 2000: I created a site and was near done when my
computer crashed. It never made it to be published yet, and I was able to
save the file to disk. Now, with puter repaired, when I try to access the
file, it tells me "Server Error. Cannot open File - Lists location -
service.lck for writting. I am so beside myself. Please help. I thought
that I only had to click on the INDEX page to open it in FP, but that page,
along with every other gives me the above error. I am not sure what to click
on to open the site for editing and publishing. Can you, or anyone, please
help me. Thanks, Learning As I Go
CROA - Clear Read-Only Attributes
CROA adds an entry to the context menu for folders that allows you to clear the read-only flag
of that folder, all subfolders, and files. This is particularly useful after copying files
from a CD-ROM to the hard drive.
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows 2000 (Professional or Server)
Windows XP (Home or Professional)
Windows Server 2003 (with Visual Basic 5 runtime)
Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 4 or above
Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation or Server) with Internet Explorer 4 or above
It sounds like your old computer had a file association set to open .htm or .html files in
FP. The default is probably Internet Explorer. To set the association open Windows
Explorer | Tools | Folder Options |File Types and set the file type to open with Front Page.

The correct way is to start Front Page, and open a website. In your case, you probably
need to then Import you files into the newly created FP web.
Thank you, That was exactly what I needed! I did manage to get my site to
open for editing now. When it open, though, it has stuff like <p> and <font>
included in the NORMAL page writting where I only entered my information
before. I have alot more to go and need help with this issue, too. Any
suggestions? Thank you so much for you other post! Learning As I Go
Thank you. I used the CROA to open the file without read only attributes and
it was perfect. I do have a problem now that it seems to show some html
coding in my normal page that I use to add, enter and edit my site. Stuff
Like <P> and <Font> in yellow. Makes adding and editing hard for me now. I
know it is probably a radio button I turn off somewhere, but I do not know
which one. Can you help?
You can also set the attributes of files and folders by right-clicking on then amd
choosing properties.
I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean by this -

"I do have a problem now that it seems to show some html
coding in my normal page that I use to add, enter and edit my site."

What shows some html, and what is your normal page?

Are you talking about FP and the Normal view? (In FP 2002 - it may be different in your

Can you go into HTML and copy and paste a bit of the HTML that exhibits the behaviour you
describe into your next post?

View | Reveal Tags is the toggle to turn those visual tag 'aids' off

| Thank you. I used the CROA to open the file without read only attributes and
| it was perfect. I do have a problem now that it seems to show some html
| coding in my normal page that I use to add, enter and edit my site. Stuff
| Like <P> and <Font> in yellow. Makes adding and editing hard for me now. I
| know it is probably a radio button I turn off somewhere, but I do not know
| which one. Can you help?
| "MikeR" wrote:
| > It sounds like your old computer had a file association set to open ..htm or .html files in
| > FP. The default is probably Internet Explorer. To set the association open Windows
| > Explorer | Tools | Folder Options |File Types and set the file type to open with Front Page.
| >
| > The correct way is to start Front Page, and open a website. In your case, you probably
| > need to then Import you files into the newly created FP web.
| > MikeR
| >
| > Learning As I Go wrote:
| > > I use Microsoft Frontpage 2000: I created a site and was near done when my
| > > computer crashed. It never made it to be published yet, and I was able to
| > > save the file to disk. Now, with puter repaired, when I try to access the
| > > file, it tells me "Server Error. Cannot open File - Lists location -
| > > service.lck for writting. I am so beside myself. Please help. I thought
| > > that I only had to click on the INDEX page to open it in FP, but that page,
| > > along with every other gives me the above error. I am not sure what to click
| > > on to open the site for editing and publishing. Can you, or anyone, please
| > > help me. Thanks, Learning As I Go
| > >
| > >
| >