Open modal web form.... or "simirly" to modal :) What (and how) possible to do?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sukhanov Volodya
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Sukhanov Volodya

Hello, All!
Does anybody knows how to open a window of browser (ex IE 6.0) in modal mode
(or "simirly" to modal)?
Early, in classical ASP, using VBScript, I could write:
<SCRIPT language="vbscript">

Can I get a reference to object "window" from VB.NET ?
What other opportunities to manage by a window of browser gives VB .NET ?

Volodya Sukhanov
Hi Sukhanov

Probably you can use this, you have to change it yourself of course.

Dim str As String
str = "<script language=javascript> {'');}
RegisterStartupScript("Startup", str)

I hope this helps a little bit?

Very thanks, ... I tested your example - it's Ok...
However, does VB .NET somehow allow to manage a client window of browser ?
Or it's possible only by using vb/java script and (as you said) call it,
using RegisterStartupScript (RegisterClientScriptBlock) functions ?

Volodya Sukhanov
Hi Sukhanov

You can do a lot by catching the events from the webform controls.

That you do on the serverside.

But typical client side things like "onhoover" that is not possible on the

But you can add things like this to give the HTML inline JavaScript code.
TextBox1.Attributes("onblur") = "javascript:alert('Hello! Focus lost from
text box!!');"

Did you mean things like this?

Very thanks for explanation, I understrood.
I asked this question, because I'm beginning in ASP tecnology.
I supposed that it's impossibly and wanted to know the opinion of a

Very thanks, what you got around to answer my question

Volodya Sukhanov