"Open in New Window" no longer working



Hi All,

I don't know why the "Open in New Window" from my IE 6 on Window 2000
professional no longer works.
I don't have a popup locker. Usual when I right lick on the link and choose
Open in New Window, the page will be opened on a seperate window. Now it
seems not to respone.

If a link or and button cause a page opened on a diferent target window, the
behavour also no longer work.

Do you know how to fix it?


Jan Il

Hi Ben :)

First try the following and see if it helps:

Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files

If still no joy, try the following:

You Cannot Open New Internet Explorer Window or Nothing Happens After You
Click a Link

Courtesy of Don Varnau:

From IE> Tools> Internet Options> Advanced> Browsing> uncheck "Reuse windows
for launching shortcuts."


You may have a program running which is blocking pop-up windows-
something like Yahoo Companion, Google toolbar, a firewall, Earthlink (or
another) pop-up blocker, etc. You'll have to uninstall the program or turn
off the feature that's blocking new windows.

With some programs using Ctrl+click or Shift+click will allow
a new window.


Can't open other windows:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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Jan Il

Hi Ben :)
Thank you for your great help.
It really works! after I run "regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll"

Wonderful! Thanks again

You're very welcome! Glad to hear you were able to resolve your problem.
Good job!

Thank you for posting back and letting us know what worked for you, and for
the benefit of other readers who might have a similar problem. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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