open in full screen mode



At one point I had IE configured to open in full screen
mode whenever I started it up. Now when I start it up, it
opens in a restored window. How can I get it to open in
full screen mode or, at least, in a maximized window?
Thanks, Creu

close all instances of ie except one.
close this by pressing control and then clicking on the x button.
the next time you open ie, it should be maximized.

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| At one point I had IE configured to open in full screen
| mode whenever I started it up. Now when I start it up, it
| opens in a restored window. How can I get it to open in
| full screen mode or, at least, in a maximized window?
| Thanks, Creu

Paul Creurer

Wow! That was a quick response. & yes, indeed that worked perfectly!
Thank you Dennis!

Paul Creurer

Ok, so the 'click on the x on the top right corner while holding ctrl'
worked for a bit but doesn't always. Sometimes it does & sometimes it
doesn't. Anyone know how this works?

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