Hi Steph!
Steph said:
Sorry guys but to me... you just spoke chinese... I didn't understand
half of what you said.
I'm new to C# and I don't know what reflection is or what a classname
is or what an assembly is... is that a dll file?
i'll look into it but if you can give me some more explanations about
how to do it, I would really appreciate it...
I think it will be to much to give a complete introduction into this
topic here. Mike gave you a nice link. You can also look into the MSDN
Library and read alot there. (An I doubt that I could explain stuff
better than Microsoft!)
In short: Assembly is the compiled output from your c# / VB.Net code.
(normaly a DLL or EXE). And you can load these Assembly in your code,
too (e.g. to insert an PlugIn.)
Reflection is generally to look at something in your managed code. You
can look at an Object or Type and find out, what it is / contains
(Methods, Constructors, Properties, ...).
And then you can do stuff with it e.g. invoking a member or get an
instance of a given type.
Inside the MSDN Library you find a lot of stuff about that topic. Check:
- Reflection - about Reflection
- Assembly class
(I am to lazy to search the online MSDN Library to give the URLs. I
think that all developers will have a MSDN Library installed locally. If
not: Just get it quickly and install it. It is free!
With kind regards,