Humm, it was what I thought...
Sorry for my UK/US explanations, I'm french
You mustn't open a foreign form because in this way, you will have to
instanciate another instance of Access via OLE and it could be interact with
an not convenient use. The better way I propose to you is to use a Database
Object like :
Dim oDB as DAO.Database
Then you open the target database with OpenDatabase method with the
appropriates paramerters (e.g. password etc... if necessary)
So after, you use a RecordSet to open a table from the DB variable object
(with dbOpenTable option) and then, you will be able to edit ou update
records as you want.
This solution allow you to bind the recordset data to a local form (you have
certainly to build) ; you will have to bind all necessary textboxes and
In this form, you put a command button to validate or cancel data changes.
The better way is to use transaction mode by using BeginTrans and Commit it
the data have to be updated into differents tables.
Did you understand what I suggested ?
Do you need and example ?
Sorry, I could not reply now because in France, it's late 11:45 pm and I'm
tired so I continue tomorrow if you have further questions.
Goto :
Livres :
Créez des programmes avec Microsoft Access 2007 (ISBN 2742982442)
VBA pour Office 2007 (ISBN 2742983910)