Open form from parent form

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I am trying to make a button on a form that will open up another form
filtered by the data in the first form. when i create the button the wizard
pops up, but there are no fields listed on one side of the page where you
link the two forms.


On the Invoice form there should be a button to open the Customer form
filtered to the customer on the invoice. But in the wizard there is no fields
listed under Invoice to link to Customers.
With wizard you can create linked father and child forms assuming from
tables/queries that have one to many relations created.

In the wizards first window select father table/query as a data source. Next
window lists all the fields available in the list left. After selecting
desired fields to right side list do not continue with next. Instead pick up
the child as a data source and select the needed fields from this table/qry
also to the list on the right side. Now click next.

At this point the wizard will change its act and will quide you through to
make the forms that are linked to each other. You can select between a
main/subform and a linked subform button.

If you already have created forms that you want to link to each other it is
possible to create a link also. Anyway it is more complicated and it might
be easier to just create the new ones with the wizard.

Mika Oukka

Mika Oukka Consulting Oy
I'm not sure i explained exactly what i was trying to do.

I have a table for estimates.

This is linked to customers.

on my estimates form i want a button that would open the customers form and
edit the customer that is entered for that estimate.

Now when i try to create the button i use the wizard. in the command wizard
under categories i select FORM OPERATIONS and under actions i select OPEN

Then i click next and select the customers form.

click next again. and then select radio button 'open form and find specific
data to display'

then click next. now on this screen i am used to seeing two lists for
matching the foreign key 'customer id' in Estimates to the primary key
'customer id' in Customers, but there is nothing in the list where i select
the foreign key.

If you can't understand my bumbling attempt at explaining don't worry too
much about it. I just thank you for any help you can give.