Say we have a combo box called cboCustomerID linked to a table called
CustomerID is always a six letter identifier
The first record (primary key 1) is AABBLA and there are 1149 records.
The query behind the combo box filters the CustomerID ascending starting at
AABBLA ending at WWWABA.
We add another customer record number 1150, it is AAAAAA
On loading of the form I have
cboCustomerID = CustomerID
which sets the form at AABBLA and not AAAAAA which is what I would like.
Any ideas?
Very appreciative of help and assisatnce.
Best regards
Say we have a combo box called cboCustomerID linked to a table called
CustomerID is always a six letter identifier
The first record (primary key 1) is AABBLA and there are 1149 records.
The query behind the combo box filters the CustomerID ascending starting at
AABBLA ending at WWWABA.
We add another customer record number 1150, it is AAAAAA
On loading of the form I have
cboCustomerID = CustomerID
which sets the form at AABBLA and not AAAAAA which is what I would like.
Any ideas?
Very appreciative of help and assisatnce.
Best regards