Wouldn't this affect my main file macros? I need to open the second file
with macros inactive... will below do it and still keep my master file macros
active. Please calrify.
Just try it and step through the code to see if it works. I guarantee it
will. You won't get an enable macro message and any workbook open code that
you have will not run.
Thanks Barb.. it did open with macros disable but my initial macro where I
open the file stop there after opening a file... it did not perform the rest
of the macro... how do I enable it again so it will continue.
I removed all the Application.Automa..... comand lines I previously posted so
for now the macro will finish all the way but it acts as if I had not removed
the Applicaion.AutomationSecu..... command... it open the file and then
stop... I have this
Sub OpenFile()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="MyFile.xls", ReadOnly:=True
Workbooks("MyFile.xls").Close savechanges:=False
End Sub