Open Excel file through Fortran?



Hello all!

A quick question.
I have a workbook (Vtec.xls) that has macro buttons and custom create
menus and stuff performing different tasks.
I would like to call/invoke the same 'vtec.xls' from a Fortran code.
Is there any way we could do this?

I would really appreciate any help in this matter.

Thanks a bunch.


Vt Corp


aiyer said:
Hello all!

A quick question.
I have a workbook (Vtec.xls) that has macro buttons and custom created
menus and stuff performing different tasks.
I would like to call/invoke the same 'vtec.xls' from a Fortran code.
Is there any way we could do this?

What Fortran compiler are you using?

There is no standard way in the Fortran language to issue a system
call, which is what you are trying to do, but most compilers have an
extension to do this. Consult your compiler documentation. For Compaq
Visual Fortran there is 'systemqq', documented at .

Your question is more about Fortran than Excel, so if you still have
trouble after reading the compiler docs you can post to
comp.lang.fortran with more specifics.

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