-----Original Message-----
The 2 things I can't figure out:
1) how to open an excel file from access
2) how to delete a worksheet in excel from access
If anyone could give me some ideas as to how to do either
of these I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi John,
use tools|references to set a reference to the excel
object library.
dim xlApp as excel.application
dim xlWkb as excel.workbook
dim xlWsh as excel.worksheet
on error resume next
' reference open session of excel
set xlApp=getoject(,"excel.application")
if err.number<>0 then
' excel not already running
on error goto 0
set xlApp=new excel.application
end if
set xlWkb=xlApp.Workbooks.open("path/name.xls")
set xlWsh=xlWkb.Worksheets("name")
with xlWkb
end with
with xlApp
if not .usercontrol then
' opened excel using code
end if
end with
set xlWkb = nothing
set xlApp = nothing
You might like to post excel specific questions to the
excel programming usergroup.