Open dialogue box and importing text files




I am designing a macro that displays an Open dialogue box that asks a
user to select a filename to open (in this case it’s a text file that I
am importing into Excel)


I need help with the code that comes after the file is selected and the
user selects open. How to I ensure that the correct column settings
(it's a fixed width import) are applied and the file continues to

At present when the user selects “Open” the Import Wizzard come up. I
need this part to be automated.

I can do all of the above using an Importbox but would rather use the
dialogue box.

Hope this all makes sense!


Dave Peterson

dim myFileName as variant
myfilename = application.getopenfilename("Text Files, *.txt")
if myfilename = false then
'user hit cancel
exit sub '??
end if

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=myFileName, .....

If you record a macro when you open the text file, you'll see all the stuff that
determines how each field is laid out.

You can add this little portion to your code (so that your recorded filename can
be removed).


Excellent Dave,

Thanks for your help. I should be able to work it out from here.


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