Robert Feinman
How do I get the open dialog box in programs like Firefox to
"remember" my folder settings. I can customize a folder so that
it displays as details sorted by filename, but when I open the
same folder in a program the file panel shows some random ordering.
I can right click in the display and have the files resorted by
name but this preference is lost as soon as I close the dialog box.
Is there a way to set this, either by program or by folder as there
is with the desktop explorer? Thanks...
"remember" my folder settings. I can customize a folder so that
it displays as details sorted by filename, but when I open the
same folder in a program the file panel shows some random ordering.
I can right click in the display and have the files resorted by
name but this preference is lost as soon as I close the dialog box.
Is there a way to set this, either by program or by folder as there
is with the desktop explorer? Thanks...