Open a sheet based on day of the week!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Crandal
  • Start date Start date

Robert Crandal

My workbook has 7 tabs named as "Monday" through "Friday"

Whenever a user opens my workbook, I would like Excel to
immediately display the sheet that corresponds to the day of the
week. So, if it's Wednesday, I would like Excel to immediately
display the sheet named "Wednesday" upon load/open.

How would I do this??? I prefer a solution that does not use
Visual Basic, but if none exist, then i'll accept a Visual Basic

thank you
You will need VB code to do this. Press Alt+F11 to go into the VB editor and
double click the ThisWorkbook item in the Project Window to bring up its
code window, then copy/paste this code into that code window...

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets(Format(Date, "dddd")).Activate
End Sub

Save the workbook. Next time you open it, you will be taken to the
appropriate worksheet. By the way, I'm confused by your description where
you said that your "workbook has 7 tabs named as 'Monday' through
'Friday'"... Monday through Friday would only take up 5 worksheets, not 7.