Open a pdf file code modification

  • Thread starter Thread starter Omar
  • Start date Start date


I have gotten some code from Barb Reinhardt some time ago, but want to add
some more code to it. I want it to not only search that folder but all of the
subfolders in that same directory.

i know that the file has a subdir property, but i
couldn't use that solution, so barb gave me this. How do i make this code
search the sub folders? Is there a property that does this?

Private Sub Lbx_file_names_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If (Lbx_file_names.Value <> "") Then
Adobe_Filename_Pick = Lbx_file_names.Value
End If
If (Adobe_Filename_Pick <> "") Then
Shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" & _
(" " + MyFolder + Adobe_Filename_Pick), 1
'" X:\Omar\Finished_Flanges\14_600_RTJ_WN_S40.pdf", 1
' the following prints the document
'Application.SendKeys "^p~", False
End If
End Sub

Here's some sample code that will search subfolders.

' Sub Purpose: change from FileSearch to recursive DIR
' for 2007 comparability (Dir Recursive
' basic concept from
Public Sub ListFilesToDebug()
Dim blnSubFolders As Boolean
Dim k As Long, i As Long
Dim fso As Object
Dim strArr() As String
Dim strName As String
Dim strDirectory As String
Dim strFileNameFilter As String

On Error Resume Next

'- - - - - V A R I A B L E S - - - - - - - -
strDirectory = "C:\Temp\" 'look in this folder
blnSubFolders = True 'look in all sub folders if TRUE
strFileNameFilter = "*.XL*" 'filter on these files
'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'get 1st filename
strName = Dir(strDirectory & strFileNameFilter)

'put filenames into array
Do While strName <> vbNullString
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve strArr(k)
strArr(k) = strDirectory & strName
strName = Dir() 'get next file name

'get subfolder filenames if subfolder option selected
If blnSubFolders Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call GetSubFolderFiles(fso.GetFolder(strDirectory), _
strArr(), k, strFileNameFilter)
End If

'show the results in the IMMEDIATE window
For i = 1 To k
Debug.Print strArr(i) & " - " & FileDateTime(strArr(i))
Next i

exit_Sub: 'generic exit sub routine
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub

err_Sub: 'generic error message routine
Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Number & " - (" & _
Err.Description & _
") - " & Now()
GoTo exit_Sub

End Sub

' Sub Purpose: recursive for filesearch 2007
Private Sub GetSubFolderFiles(ByRef Folder As Object, _
ByRef strArr() As String, ByRef i As Long, _
ByRef searchTerm As String)
Dim SubFolder As Object
Dim strName As String

On Error GoTo err_Sub

For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
'get 1st filename in subfolder
strName = _
Dir(SubFolder.Path & Application.PathSeparator & searchTerm)
'put filenames and file info in subfolders into array
Do While strName <> vbNullString
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve strArr(i)
strArr(i) = _
SubFolder.Path & Application.PathSeparator & strName
strName = Dir()
Call GetSubFolderFiles(SubFolder, strArr(), i, searchTerm)

On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub

Debug.Print "Error: " & Err.Number & " - (" & _
Err.Description & _
") - " & Now()
GoTo exit_Sub

End Sub

Hope this helps.
If it does, please click the Yes button.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Gary Brown