Open a form in Edit Mode

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I have a switchboard and two forms called frmCriteria and frmTraining. In switchboard, I have an entry for an item as follows

Open Form in Add Mode (Form is frmCriteria

There is a button called "OK" on the form frmCriteria. So through frmCriteria fom, I accept some criteria from user and then in the click event of "OK" button, I wrote

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTraining", , , , acFormEdi

Access opens the form frmTraining and shows all the records on the basis of criteria. But no enter/edit is allowed
Please help me that how can I overcome this problem

Thanks in advance
Access opens the form frmTraining and shows all the records on the basis of criteria. But no enter/edit is allowed.
Please help me that how can I overcome this problem.

This suggests that frmTraining might be based on a non-updateable
Query. Try opening frmTraining in design mode; view its Properties; on
the Data tab click the ... by the Recordsource property. Is this Query
updateable (i.e. if you open it as a datasheet is there a *> new
record icon at the bottom)?

If not, perhaps you could post the SQL or describe the query here.